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Pharmacy / Practice Dispensing Data

Pharmacy Practice Dispensing Data
This report shows: -
  1. the number of prescription items dispensed by each community pharmacy in Wales, broken down by the GP practice in which they prescribed
  2. the number of prescription items prescribed in each GP practice in Wales broken down by the pharmacy that dispensed those items
Data will be published on the 1st working day of each month (begining with April 2015 dispensing) and will be available for the current and two complete financial years.
Each month a spreadsheet containing 4 pages of information will become available as set out below.

Contractor Addresses

This Shows the Name and Address for all pharmacy that have dispensed NHS prescriptions during the month to which the data relates.

Practice Addresses

This shows the Practice Name and Address for all Practices who have issued NHS prescriptions during the month to which the data relates.

Pharmacy By Practice CCYYMM

For each pharmacy, this dataset contains the number of items dispensed broken down by the GP Practice that issued the prescription.
The dataset also includes the total number of items for any prescriptions that did not originate from a GP practice in Wales, including Hospital, Dental and English Prescriptions.

Practice By Pharmacy CCYYMM

For each GP practice, this dataset contains the total number of items prescribed broken down the pharmacy in which those prescriptions were dispensed.
The dataset also includes the total number of prescriptions that were not dispensed in a pharmacy, including those dispensed by Dispensing Doctors, those that were personally administered in a GP practice and those that were dispensed in England.
10/01/2025 - All of the data has been republished due to a discovered error in the Pharmacy by Practice data  - English Prescribing was showing higher numbers than the actual, this has been fixed, and the numbers for newer prescribing type, such as Pharmacy and Ophthalmic have been added.