Your employment with
NWSSP is subject to the Personnel and Employment Policies, Rules and Procedures formally adopted by
Velindre NHS Trust.
Velindre NHS Trust will determine and implement all Personnel and Employment Policies, Rules and Procedures and in negotiation with recognised trade unions / staff organisations as outlined in the Recognition of and Facilities for Trade Unions, Professional Associations and Staff Organisations Policy, will review and revise any prevailing Policies at its discretion and replace any existing Policies, Rules and Procedures or introduce new ones.
You are encouraged to familiarise yourself with these policies.
The main personnel and employment policies currently operating are:-
- Accessing NHS Pension and Retirement Policy
- Childcare Voucher Policy
- Dealing with Professional Conduct/Competence for Trust Medical Staff
- Dignity at Work Policy (All Wales)
- Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
- Domestic Abuse Policy
- Eligibility for DBS checks - NHS Employers
- Employment Break Policy
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Flexible Working Policy and Procedure
- Grievance Policy (All Wales)
- Maternity, Adoption & Paternity and Parental Leave Policy
- Procedure and Guidance on Appearing in Court (including Coroner Court)
- Professional Abuse Policy in relation to Children and Vulnerable Adults
- Professional Registration Policy
- Raising Concerns (Whistleblowing) Policy
- Recover of Payroll Overpayments Policy
- Redeployment Policy
- Reimbursement of Removal and Associated Expenses
- Reserve Forces Training and Mobilisation Policy
- Shared Parental Leave Policy
- Sickness Policy
- Smoking Free Policy
- Special Leave Policy (All Wales)
- Substance Misuse at Work Policy and Procedure
- Standards of Behaviour Framework Policy
- Study Leave Policy - Please refer to Wales Deanery Policy
Please contact the Medical Workforce Team on if you require a copy of one of the above policies.