Medical Performers List
To commence work within a GP practice, a Doctor must be registered on the Medical Performers List. As part of the Lead Employer arrangement, all employment checks that were carried out by NWSSP prior to commencing of the GP Specialty Registrar rotation will be used as a means to start the registration of the GP Specialty Registrar on the Medical Performers List. The GP Specialty Registrar will be required to fill out an application form in order to complete the application to join the Medical Performers List.
For more information on GP Practices and the Medical Performers List please see information on the
Primary Care Services web pages.
Medical Indemnity
Under the Lead Employer arrangement, a GP Speciality Registrar will be covered by the Welsh Risk Pool for the duration of their employment. However, it is the responsibility of the GP Specialty Registrar to obtain appropriate indemnity to cover instances involving criminal proceedings and Good Samaritan Acts. This is known as the ‘top up’ element.
This is a significant reduction in the costs you need to pay and should range between approximately £45 and £110. This is reclaimable through E-expenses for your time in a practice rotation.
It is essential that when you contact your provider that you advise them that you are employed by NWSSP under the Single Lead Employer arrangement for GP trainees and as such are covered under the auspices of the Welsh Risk Pool.