NHS Wales aims to provide the very best care and treatment. But sometimes things may not go as well as expected.
Claims for compensation are made once a concern resulting from a complaint, or an incident occurs concerning patient safety.
In addition to this, NHS Wales has introduced the concept of redress, where there is an obligation of NHS organisations to investigate complaints or concerns to assess if there is qualifying liability and therefore the right for compensation.
The Welsh Risk Pool service has been delegated responsibility to administer the risk pooling arrangement for NHS Wales and this includes the management of reimbursement to member organisations once claims have been settled.
Under the Putting Things Right process, the Welsh Risk Pool team works with NHS organisations in Wales to ensure that steps are taken to learn from events and identify and implement improvements.
Focusing on the Welsh Health Circular and All-Wales Policy on Insurance and Indemnity, the team ensure that organisations are appropriately and cost effectively indemnified.