This section contains information about the way NHS Wales is structured and managed is set out in this section; and covers the legal framework (including Model Standing Orders), governance and roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of NHS organisations and individuals.
Knowing who does what and why is about being crystal-clear clarity and unanimity about everyone’s role and how it fits into the bigger picture. This means, for example, at Board level, each member being clear about what their role is and what the role is of the person sitting next to them and opposite. Where there is a Chair and CEO it means clarity about their – quite different but complementary – roles. But it doesn’t just cover individuals, nor does it only operate within the boundaries of an organisation.
Where there are Committees and Advisory Groups everyone should be clear about how they relate to the main Board and what the different roles are. And this principle doesn’t stop within the organisation itself, it also means being clear about how it relates to its partners and stakeholders; how it fits into the wider picture; and being clear about how the various arms of the Welsh Government fit into the picture as well.