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NHS Wales Priority Supplier Programme

NHS Wales Priority Supplier Programme

The NHS Wales Priority Supplier Programme targets improvements in our ordering, invoice management and payment processes. It was launched in late 2017 and benefits our suppliers along with generating much needed new income for NHS Wales.

The PSP allows NHS Wales’ Accounts Payable department to pay our supplier’s invoices early, ahead of their contracted term (typically 30 days). In exchange for this early payment, we are able to negotiate a small rebate which is calculated using the number of days the invoice payment is accelerated.  

The Programme also creates the opportunity to improve our supplier relationships as it packages up a selection of non-financial benefits such as prioritised processing, collaborative marketing opportunities, visibility and access within NHS Wales for those suppliers who wish to sign up.

You can find more information about what we’re offering suppliers on the supplier website.

It is a fantastic opportunity for NHS Wales to generate income from transactions with suppliers which can contribute to mitigating cost pressures.

So, please take a look around this microsite so you can better understand the Programme and how it will affect you as a member of staff, and feel free to ask any questions you have using


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NHS Wales Programme Brochure