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Trusts in Wales must agree Standing Orders (SOs) that, together with a set of Standing Financial Instructions and a scheme of decisions reserved to the Board; a scheme of delegations to officers and others; and a range of other framework documents set out the arrangements within which the Board, its Committees, Advisory Groups and NHS staff make decisions and carry out their activities - its 'ways of working'. The Standing Orders should be based upon the model determined by the Welsh Government.

Note: The Model Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions were last reviewed in July 2023, followed by interim amendments which were made in March 2024.  The latest versions can be found below. If you have any questions please contact:  NHSWalesGovernanceEManual@gov.Wales

The Trust SOs incorporates the following as Schedules to the Trust SOs:

  • Schedule 1 Trust Model Reservation and Delegation of Powers [March 2024]
  • Schedule 2.1 Trust Model Standing Financial Instructions [July 2023]
  • Trust Standing Orders - Glossary of Terms [September 2019]

