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The NHS in Wales is designed upon the premise of co-operation, collaboration and partnership working; and this section provides guidance on civil contingencies and emergency planning, and working with the Third Sector.

Engaging with others means working in constructive relationships with others in order to ensure best outcome for citizens. Public service providers have realised that that no-one can operate effectively in isolation.  Every organisation is dependent upon others to help it deliver its services and to operate most effectively.  There was a time when partnership working was viewed as a desirable addition to core business if there was time and space for it; but it shouldn’t be like that now.

Engaging with others should be seen as part of the core business. It involves knowing who its key partners are and will be clear about the purpose of each partnership and the different roles of those involved and treating partners with respect as equals, even if there may be a disparity of size or influence. All partnerships should be citizen-focussed and have the aim of providing better services and should have sharp clarity about outcomes, evaluations and relative responsibilities. Partnerships should be kept under review and be prepared to change, adapt or come to an end where they no longer serve a useful purpose.