Our aims and commitment are set out in our Sustainable Procurement Policy which details how we will address sustainability through our activities and those of our supply chain.
Welsh Assembly Route Planner - Is a collection of resources and tools published by the Welsh Assembly to drive best practice in procurement in Wales.
Useful links
- Community Benefits. This Guide offers advice on how to incorporate Community Benefits in public sector procurements. Community Benefits : Welsh Government Publication
- The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is a leading alliance of companies, trade unions and NGOs that promotes respect for workers' rights around the globe. Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Website
- The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) provides a range of useful information on best practise in Sustainable Procurement. Sustainable Procurement Tools
- The Centre for Evidence Based Procurement (CEP) has developed tool will enable organisation to identify annual and whole life energy costs for medical electronic equipment. Medical Equipment Whole Life Costing Reports
- Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) : Code of Practice. Sets out the governments guidance for sustainable recycling of electrical equipment. WEEE Code of Practice Protocols Link
- Open Doors Charter this is the Welsh Assembly Government’s SME friendly charter which sets out the Public Sectors aims in respect of working with Small Medium Enterprises. Open Doors Charter Welsh Assembly Government Link