NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) in conjunction with Welsh Government have developed a digital dashboard that describes availability, activity, and outcomes of national enhanced services in community pharmacy.
The Pharmacy Extended Services Dashboard provides data visualisations of information obtained from claims for payment over a rolling 24-month period. Data is available at pharmacy, cluster and Health Board level and will be refreshed on the 1st working day of each month.
The published Extended Services statistics are based on information obtained from claims submitted to NWSSP for payment in accordance with the provisions Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (Wales) Directions.
Andrew Evans (Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Welsh Government);
“Community pharmacies should be the first point of contact for NHS care. More community pharmacies in Wales are providing clinical services than ever before. The contractual reforms we have recently agreed will mean all pharmacies can provide a full range of clinical services from April, improving access for patients and taking pressure off other parts of the NHS.
Enabling pharmacists and pharmacy teams to reflect on their own and other pharmacies’ service outcomes is an essential component of improving the quality of care. Routine access to this data for pharmacists, healthcare professionals and patients will facilitate a genuinely data driven approach to community pharmacies delivering the best outcomes for the citizens of Wales.”
Andrew Evans (Director, Primary Care Services, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership);
“Clusters are central to the plan for sustainable primary care services, and it is essential that they are able to have easy access to intelligence which can both inform service planning and help monitor performance. The Pharmacy Services Dashboard has been designed to do just that. It represents an important step in making primary care data held within NWSSP available in a way that is instantly usable to both those who plan and those who deliver services.
We are delighted that we have been able to develop this tool to support the recently announced contractual reforms for pharmacies, and it represents a significant step in the ongoing NWSSP programme of intelligence support for all primary care contract professions.”
The Pharmacy Extended Services Dashboard is hosted via the Primary Care Services website at the following link here.
If you require further information regarding the Pharmacy Extended Services Dashboard, the Primary Care Services team can be contacted here.