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Programme Governance

Programme Governance

With any complex programme, good governance is key. The NHS Wales Shares Services Partnership Committee have approved the tender outcome on behalf of all NHS Wales organisations and this has been ratified by Welsh Government.


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Programme Board Governence Structure


There is a National Programme Board and has a governance route through the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership Committee and Welsh Risk Pool Committee. Links with key national groups are also established. Regular links with the Listening & Learning from Feedback Group (the lead body for the Evans Report recommendations) and the National Quality & Safety Forum are in place.

The OfWCMS Programme Team is a central group, hosted by NWSSP, and who are responsible for the configuration, development and maintenance of all of the systems. Each of the Workstreams liaise directly with the programme team and reports are provided to the National Programme Board.

As the Putting Things Right portfolio is generally led by the Directors of Nursing (DoN) in NHS Wales, the national DoN Forum has received, and will continue to receive, regular updates.This group will also be asked to support the Terms of Reference and key decisions of the National Programme Board. The Chair of the National Programme Board is drawn from the Directors of Nursing forum.

All organisations have Local System Leads, who coordinate the local instance of the Once for Wales system.

The Terms of Reference for the National Programme Board can be found here.