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Notice: Sorry, it appears your organisational system is online and available to access via your normal process. Please go back to your organisations landing page where you will find your Datix Cymru reporting links. For any further system queries, please contact your Local System Lead Administrator for support.

About DatixDown

The DatixDown process provides a simple reporting function to enable continued electronic incident reporting across NHS Wales during periods that the Datix Cymru is unavailable.

The process is put into place by the Once for Wales Concerns Management System Central Team. It will only be deployed if the system is unavailable

The process replaces the Datix Cymru Incident Reporting Form, ensuring that incidents can be reported.

Access to the Datix Cymru system for reviewing and updating Incident records will not be available while the DatixDown process is in place.

When the form has been completed and submitted it will be sent to key corporate contacts within your health body to review.


In the event of Datix being down the below button will direct you to the relevant forms to submit an incident report.

Organisational reporting forms