A number of workstreams have been established, to consider and implement Technical, Organisational and Functional capabilities of the new system, and to undertake work to maintain and enhance the existing DatixWeb systems currently in use within organisations. This will be enhanced with additional workstreams throughout the development, implementation and roll-out phases.
Topic | Detail managed |
01 | Claims Management | To establish core Functional Workstreamity for claims and legal cases brought against a health body. Definition of what information is managed through this Functional Workstream. All-Wales Workflows, All-Wales Fields & All-Wales Triggers for Claims |
02 | Community Health Council Case Management |
To consider the Organisational Workstream workflow, fields and triggers required of a common case management system for CHC and the future public voice body. To work with the project team and RLDatix to determine whether the required Functional Workstreams is piloted in the Datix CloudIQ system or DatixWeb. To implement the new Functionality of the system. |
03 | Complaints Management |
To establish core functionality for Complaints Management
04 | Corporate Risk Management |
To establish core functionality for Corporate Risk Registers and Board Assurance Frameworks. To determine all-Wales terminology and all-Wales workflows for risk functionality |
05 | DoLS Referrals |
To establish core functionality for recording and managing DoLS cases. Definition of cases which should be recorded in the system, fields requiring capture and workflow for standard cases and complex cases (inc Court of Protection) |
06 | Inquest Case Management |
To establish core functionality for coronial inquires and inquest hearings involving the health body. |
07 | Intelligent Monitering, Dashboards and Data Analysis |
To determine the core system reports which are to be built into the core system functionality. Consider the training needs for query and report building. |
08 | Ivestigation Tools |
Develop core investigation tools within the Datix CloudIQ system and produce associated training and reference materials. |
09 | Learning from Death and link to ME system |
To establish core functionality for the Learning from Deaths process and establish the links between the Medical Examiner system. |
10 | Nurse Staffing Act compliance |
To provide advice and guidance to the Programme Board in ensuring that the requirements of the nurse staffing act are identified, referenced and included in associated functionalities. |
11 | PALS Case Management |
To establish core functionality for PALS interactions. Definition of what information is managed through this functionality, All-Wales Workflows, All-Wales Fields & All-Wales Triggers for PALS |
12 | Redress Case Management |
To establish core functionality for redress cases where cases may have arisen as a complaint, incident or another route. |
13 | Regulatory Body Referrals |
To establish core functionality for cases which are referred to regulatory body |
14 | Safeguarding |
To establish core functionality for Safeguarding case records |
15 | SI Reporting Portal |
To establish core functionality for cases which are reported to Welsh Government |
16 | WRP Reimbursement Portal | To establish core functionality for the reimbursement process between health bodies and Welsh Risk Pool Definition of what information is managed through this functionality, All-Wales Workflows, All-Wales Fields & All-Wales Triggers for WRP Reimbursement |
17 | Learning from Healthcare Incidents |
To align learning, improvement and patient safety activities across NHS Wales and ensure the system is able to collate local and national themes and trends |
18 | NHS Wales Medical Examinar System | Facilitate the introduction of a system to enable the transactional and quality functions of the ME team and link to the Learning from Deaths process in health bodies |
ORG01 | Content & Updates Governence |
To establish a national group and an associated process to provide oversight and governance to ensure that content development and updates are programmed efficiently whilst ensuring all-Wales functionality is preserved and innovation and local development is supported and planned appropriately. |
ORG02 | Incident Reporting, Capture, Coding and Management |
To commence planning the core functionality for Incidents Management and develop a definition of what information is managed through this functionality. Establish All-Wales Workflows, All-Wales Fields & All-Wales Triggers for Incidents
ORG03 | Migration of data from existing Datix systems |
To consider the possibilities and required processes to support migration of information between DatixWeb and Datix CloudIQ. To establish the work plan for essential live case migration during transition between DatixWeb and Datix CloudIQ systems. |
ORG04 | Training programme for Local System Leads | To consider a training and development programme, with supporting materials – to provide a foundation of knowledge and support to existing and new colleagues within this role. |
ORG05 | Code of Connection - NHS Wales systmes & RLDatix |
To ensure that appropriate arrangements are established to faciliatate access by RLDatix support and Technical Workstream staff to systems held on NHS Wales ICT Infrastructure |
TEC01 | Active Directionary / ADFS / Connection & Access to Cloud services |
Developing detailed instructions and process of how Local System Leads, Local ICT and NWIS Client Services will support the operation of ADFS as the method of validating access to the Datix CloudIQ System. |
TEC02 | Datix RFI Functional Workstreamity continuity |
To establish a process which continues the availability of the RFI functionality in DatixWeb systems where this is in use. To consider all-Wales Workflows, Fields and Triggers required to consider future development of this functionality in Datix Cloud IQ. |
TEC03 | Integration with PAS and ESR | Developing detailed process mapping and assurance requirements for the integration with NHS Wales data such as PAS and ESR. Generate links with key RLDatix and NHS Wales colleagues to ensure that integration is managed and implemented fully. To also consider other integration options for development in the future. |
TEC04 | Link with LARS Case Management Sysytem |
To provide a platform between teams developing systems and ensure that datasets are aligned (identical where possible). |