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What approach has IFS Wales taken with implementation?

With the successful implementation of PROMPT Wales, which has seen a standardised approach to multi-professional training in obstetric emergencies and human factors across NHS Wales, IFS Wales is following a similar implementation strategy. The programme is centrally coordinated by the IFS Wales national team who act in a supportive capacity to local teams, attending local training days and providing ongoing faculty development events as required.


How will know that IFS Wales is effective?

Primary clinical outcome measures are intrapartum Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalitis (HIE) and term stillbirth rates. Baseline data has been obtained and data will be reviewed annually to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme.

A series of draft Standards have been developed to support Health Boards with implementation. These incorporate the Process Measures:

  • All Health Boards will implement the IFS Wales programme
  • The programme will be delivered by a multi-professional faculty and attended by a multi-professional team
  • All midwives and obstetric doctors will attend IFS Wales every 12 months

We are prospectively measuring self-perception of knowledge pre and post attendance and this will be evaluated after 12 months. 

Feedback is obtained via Microsoft Forms at every course and is available to the local faculty teams and the national team. This will enable us to respond efficiently to any themes which arise during the pilot year.