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Improving Fetal Surveillance

IFS Wales is a Maternity Safety and Learning programme funded by the Welsh Risk Pool.

Fetal monitoring has been identified as a critical contributory factor in cases where improvements in care may have prevented a poor outcome. In 2018, the Wales Maternity Network developed the All Wales Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance Standards (AWIFSS).


An opportune time to re-evaluate the provision of education and training in NHS Wales arose whilst the AWIFS were being updated in 2023:


This review, undertaken by the Welsh Risk Pool, highlighted a significant variation in the provision of education and training in each organisation, whilst identifying an appetite for a standardised approach amongst those responsible for education in this field.

In response, a national Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance team, consisting of consultant obstetricians and midwives with specialist fetal surveillance knowledge, were recruited in May 2023. The team, coordinated by Welsh Risk Pool Safety and Learning Advisors, worked at pace to develop a programme of education to respond specifically to Standard 4 of the AWIFSS (2023). This programme has been finalised and reviewed and is now known as IFS Wales.




Contact IFS Wales

Email: Contact us:


Alder House,

Alder Court,

St Asaph,


LL17 0JL


Tel: 01745 366760


X: @WRPsafety_learn