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From Monday 3rd July 2023 our new opening hours and contact details are:

  • Monday - Friday 08:30 - 16:30

With a brief closure on Wednesdays from 12:00-14:00pm for essential staff training.

  • Our new telephone number is: 02921 500300
  • Our new email address is:

Our new live chat can be accessed via the chat link below.

All previous telephone numbers and email addresses will automatically redirect to the new points of contact for a limited time only.


What is eAteb?

NWSSP’s Digital Workforce division currently hosts two dedicated contact centres for digital people system’s support. These are ESR Support Wales (for NHS Wales staff) and Digital Learning Wales (for wider Public Sector learning@wales queries)

From Monday 3rd July 2023 the contact centres will merge into one single dedicated point-of-contact for Digital People Systems Support. The service will be rebranded as eAteb, Supporting Digital People Systems in Wales

eAteb will continue supporting staff across Wales with both ESR and Learning@Wales queries.


What is ESR?

The NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) provides an integrated HR and payroll system to NHS organisations. It is used by 99 per cent of NHS organisations in England and Wales and holds the data for about 1.4 million staff (about six per cent of the UK's working population).

Effective workforce planning is essential if the NHS is to supply the staff to meet the changing healthcare needs of the population.  ESR's potential to support local, regional and national workforce planning is huge.

Every NHS employee has access to their ESR, so that they can manage their personal information. Staff are able to amend information such as their address or bank details, they can book annual leave and monitor their annual leave entitlement. ESR also holds their training record which enables them to carry it from one organisation to another. 


What is Learning@Wales?

Learning@Wales is a Wales-wide Learning Management System, that is funded by Welsh Government, that is a repository for e-learning materials, resources and competence assessments. There are a significant number of e-learning programmes available including national statutory and mandatory training courses, as well as professional and personal development courses (both clinical and non-clinical).

This innovative approach to digital learning extracts greater value from existing resources and will help reshape public services focus on the things that matter most – continuing to provide care for all based on clinical need.

The NHS Wales organisations that are supported by ESR Support Wales are as follows:

  • Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
  • Cardiff & Vale University Health Board
  • Citizens Voice Body
  • Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
  • Health Education and Improvement Wales
  • Hywel Dda University Health Board
  • Digital Health Care Wales
  • NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership
  • Powys Teaching Health Board
  • Public Health Wales
  • Swansea Bay University Health Board
  • Velindre NHS Trust
  • Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust

We do not provide support for Aneurin Bevan employees. Aneurin Bevan have their own designated ESR team, who can be contacted on 01633 623455.

We also do not provide any support for NHS England employees.