On Wednesday 30 March, the PROMPT Wales National Team, in collaboration with the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust, welcomed 16 Paramedics, representing all Health Boards in Wales, to a Community PROMPT Wales Faculty Development training event in Llandrindod Wells.
‘Community PROMPT Wales’ is an ‘all Wales’ maternity safety programme developed by the PROMPT Wales National Team, building on the successful implementation of PROMPT Wales.
Along with the 5 Midwives who attended, these Senior Paramedics and Health Board Clinical Leads will join their established local Community PROMPT Wales faculties, providing high quality simulation based training which bears fidelity to the role of clinicians who provide maternity care in community settings.
This is an exciting new concept with Wales truly leading the way – promoting multi-professional working and learning in the management of pre-hospital childbirth emergencies, aiming to optimise safe outcomes for women and babies.
Sarah Hookes said,
“It was wonderful to see the collaboration and relationship building during the training. The Paramedics and Midwives were really interested in each other’s roles and how they can support each other to provide safe, compassionate care. We are really excited by this collaboration and look forward to welcoming paramedics on to Community PROMPT Wales training.”