Congratulations to our Procurement Services division who have been successful across a number of categories in the prestigious Health Care Supply Association (HCSA) national awards. Procurement Services were honoured in recognition of the excellent work that they have been undertaking and how staff have continued to demonstrate their dedication, innovation and professionalism in ongoing support of patient healthcare services.
The awards, held virtually on 18th November 2020, saw NWSSP Cardiff & Vale Frontline Procurement team as joint winners in the category of Procurement Team of the Year; Claire Salisbury of the NWSSP Cardiff & Vale Frontline Procurement was Highly Commended in the Procurement Leader of the Year category; Procurement Services Highly Commended in the Cross Functional Collaboration award in collaboration with the National Collaborative Commissioning Unit (National Collaborative Framework Agreement for Adults with Mental Health and Learning Disabilities), and Highly Commended in the category of Procurement Technology award for the NWSSP Cardiff & Vale Frontline Procurement (All Wales Eye Care Digitisation Programme).
Procurement colleague Paul Sydenham was also the winner of the Chairman’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Paul, recently retired after over four and a half decades' worth of dedicated service to procurement, was judged the winner as his expertise, knowledge and enthusiasm has played a crucial part in delivering services to the NHS in Wales. Paul has also played a huge role within the HCSA being the regional representative for Wales for over 20 years.
To round off a very successful awards ceremony the entire NHS procurement and supplier community were deemed winners of the HCSA President Award.
Reflecting on the successes of Procurement Services at the awards Jonathan Irvine, Director of Procurement Services said: “I am delighted that the work of NWSSP Procurement Services has been so widely recognised through our success in the HCSA national awards. The breadth of this success across a number of categories demonstrates our achievements in many areas of procurement activity and highlights the exceptional talent we are developing within our team and leadership profiles. These achievements are particularly significant this year given the additional challenges brought about by the COVID 19 procurement challenge against which staff had to deliver. I wish to thank all staff involved and pass on my sincere congratulations to our award winners.”
Graham Davies, Deputy Director of Procurement Services added: “Yet again, NWSSP has proved to be an organisation demonstrating excellence and quality of service. We have picked up awards in 6 out of the 10 categories, so all who work in Procurement and Health Courier Services can be proud of their achievements. It was particularly pleasing to note that The Presidents of HCSA – Lord Philip Hunt – recognised the efforts of all NHS procurement, logistics and supplier community for our efforts through the COVID pandemic.”
Mark Roscrow MBE, Programme Director- Procurement Services and Chair of Trustees, HCSA said: “As Chair of Trustees you can appreciate it was extremely difficult to organise both the on line conference and to run the normal awards process. Firstly my appreciation to all those who helped to make it such a great event. I would like to extend my congratulations to all those who were successful either in winning or in obtaining highly commended status. I know the judging was extremely difficult with so many very good entries. I was also really delighted with the President’s award and all staff should feel justly proud of this recognition for a fantastic job so well done. It was also a please for me to present the Chairman’s award to Paul Sydenham in recognition of all he has done for HCSA over many years.”
“It would have been nice to have the recognition at an awards dinner but clearly that was not possible so hopefully the teams and individuals have managed some form of recognition. Let’s hope we can get together next year and Wales will again set the standard not only in the number of submissions but also in these being successful.”
On winning the Team of the Year Award Claire Salisbury, Assistant Director of Procurement (Cardiff and Vale University Health Board), Procurement Services said: “I am delighted that the CVU local team have been recognised at the National Awards. The team consistently demonstrates their ability to go above and beyond the expectations set of them, through team working and collaboration. This was particularly evident during the response to Covid-19 when the team excelled in supporting the UHB and All Wales to deliver their strategic objectives”
On being Highly Commended in the Procurement Leader of the Year category, Claire added:
“I am delighted to accept the highly commended for this award and wish to take this opportunity to thank all of my colleagues within Cardiff and Vale Health Board and NWSSP who have supported me and my team in delivering a very successful year and COVID response for NHS Wales. I feel fortunate that I am in a position to work with such amazing people, who have supported me delivering the strategy of cutting edge projects/contracts that has resulted in the successful outcome for Wales on a local, regional and national basis during the past year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the NHS staff who have done so much during the pandemic for our patients and I recognise my award as a reflection of all of their efforts”.