NWSSP Procurement Services have recently successfully maintained their Customer Service Excellence (CSE) Certification at Annual Review 2 stage.
The CSE Award is a UK Government quality mark that aims to make a tangible difference to service users by encouraging organisations to focus on their individual needs and preferences. In order for an organisation to be recognised as achieving Customer Service Excellence they must be successfully assessed against rigid criteria.
As part of their assessment, Procurement Services not only maintained 5 areas at ‘compliance plus’ level, 2 new areas were added due to the services’ excellent attention detail and commitment to customer service.
The official CSE auditor’s comments were hugely positive and included:
“There are numerous examples of improvements made as a result of learning from best practice, particularly from outside the organisation. An impressively innovative and therefore Compliance Plus worthy example is All Wales Scan for Safety system which will result in Wales being the first nation to have fully deployed the barcoding system. “
“There has been significant work as part of the agile working strategy and toolkit development to ensure that there is strong information governance arrangements in place. Communications were circulated from the Information Governance Manager to all staff in relation to home working and confidentiality. A new section was added to the training to brief staff on the importance of ensuring that confidentiality was maintained with emails, use of cloud services, SharePoint and the transportation of laptops/paperwork between home and office and the message that a “breach is still a breach regardless of the location". As a result of this being more than has been seen in other organisations, this is considered Compliance Plus.”
Further comments from the subsequent audit report included:
“The scope of the Customer Service Excellence Annual Review 2 (AR2) is NWSSP Procurement Services function. Over the last 12months there has been service restructuring alongside a range of innovative developments. All this has happened against the backdrop of the Covid-19 response with some impressive support in this time of national crisis.”
“There remains a strong corporate commitment to putting the customer at the heart of service delivery and leaders actively support this and advocate for customers. excellent evidence found in relation to senior level commitment to staff wellbeing and as a result, this approach is then delivered by all staff to customers. As a result, this element remains Compliance Plus.”