NWSSP has signed a five-year contract with Allocate Software to use the Health Roster package in partnership with the Welsh Government and NHS Wales. Over the next few months, HealthRoster will be incrementally rolled out to Divisions across the organisation.
Implementing Health Roster across NWSSP will benefit every department by allowing them to plan and deploy human resources in the safest, most sustainable, and equitable manner possible. The system will also be kind to individual workers, protecting their safety and autonomy, as well as making the lives of roster managers and employees easier. The system automatically interfaces to an electronic bank system which enable managers to release shifts to bank and for individuals to book shifts without contacting the bank office.
The data you supply in Health Roster will be transmitted to Payroll for payment, eliminating the requirement for handwritten timesheets (Pay Returns).
Benefits of the new system
What’s in it -
For the Employee –
For the Manager –
HealthRoster can be viewed on PCs and Mobile devices. Here is a quick glance of what the Health Roster would look like:
When will Health Roster be implemented?
The project commenced in June 2021. Following a period of system & payroll configuration, the Digital Workforce Team will contact Division managers to discuss and arrange each department's implementation. A programme plan is under development and will be available via Sharepoint.
Implementation process chart:
If you hav any queries or concerns, please comtact: Lloyd.Jones@wales.nhs.uk