Congratulations to the CIVAS@IP5 medicines unit who recently won the prestigious award of ‘Shared Services Innovation’ as part of a national conference in Farnborough ran by professional services network Deloitte
CIVAS@IP5 is a medicines preparation service operating from NWSSP’s national distribution warehouse in Newport. Set up as a rapid delivery project in response to Covid-19 it supplies injectable medicines in ready to use format direct to our Critical Care Units across Wales. This ensures continuity of supply, quality and safety, and frees up nurse time to focus on patient care.
The award itself recognises an organisation or team that have developed innovative solutions or change to solve a problem and has shown resilience and through challenges has strengthened their shared service organisation. Well done to all involved on winning this award which is a reflection of all the hard work, ongoing development and continued operation of the medicines unit.
Pictured with the Innovation award is Head of Technical Services within CIVAS@IP5, Gareth Tyrell and conference lead for Deloitte, Candice Sieg.