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In May and June 2018, multi-professional teams of anaesthetists, midwives, obstetricians, support workers and university lecturers from across Wales came together to train as PROMPT facilitators at a bespoke faculty training course delivered by the PROMPT Maternity Foundation.

With the support of a PROMPT Wales Implementation Team, these experienced clinicians took responsibility for developing the content and rolling out PROMPT Wales courses within their own services and by January 2019, PROMPT Wales was running in all 7 Health Boards. The Implementation Team consisting of a multi-professional team of clinicians from NHS Wales and the PROMPT Maternity Foundation, supported local faculty teams to organise, implement and deliver PROMPT Wales training.

PROMPT training materials were adapted to align with NHS Wales initiatives and the brand PROMPT Wales was born! The Welsh Risk Pool funded essential training resources including manikins and PROMPT Manuals to facilitate the roll out of PROMPT Wales.

Additional national and in-house Faculty Development training days were hosted by the implementation team throughout 2019, to ensure a sufficient number of multi-professional clinicians were trained as faculty.

A National Launch of PROMPT Wales took place on 23rd October 2018 in Cardiff with keynote addresses from the Managing Director of the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, the Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Medical Officer for Wales.

In 2019, participation in PROMPT Wales training was mandated by Welsh Government for midwives, obstetric doctors and anaesthetists who regularly provide maternity care (link to Welsh Health Circular)

In the first year, 107 PROMPT Wales courses were held in NHS Wales!


More information about the implementation of PROMPT Wales can be found in this article published in the BMJ