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Community PROMPT Wales Team


‘Community PROMPT Wales’ is an ‘all Wales’ maternity safety programme developed by the PROMPT Wales National Team and was implemented in September 2021 following a successful 12 month pilot. Building on the successful roll out of PROMPT Wales, training is presented in a way that represents practice in midwife-led settings. Scenarios take place in the birth centres or a simulated home birth setting and focus on managing emergencies in a small team without early access to obstetric support. Midwives, Maternity Care Assistants and Paramedics train together, using their own equipment thus providing fidelity to their usual working practice. PROMPT training resources have been adapted to reflect this and Community PROMPT Wales algorithms and proformas have now been adopted in national clinical guidance and practice across Wales. Training is facilitated by midwives and paramedics who have received an approved PROMPT Wales faculty development training programme. Training in community settings also facilitates the testing of systems and processes and identifies areas for organisational improvement.

With an expected increase in community births in line with Welsh Government strategy – ‘Maternity Care in Wales - A Five Year Vision for the Future (2019-2024)’ the Community PROMPT Wales programme supports the development of teams who are skilled to recognise and manage emergency situations in community settings efficiently and effectively, optimising safety and reducing harm.

PROMPT Wales Demonstration
Community PROMPT Team Members Training Community PROMPT Demonstration
Community PROMPT Demonstration