Local Procurement Business Partners are situated within the Health Boards/Trust’s supporting the development and delivery of the Health Board/Trust’s IMTPs, Savings Plans, procurement of goods and services and compliance requirements. Local teams also support the delivery of the capital programme.
The Teams are visible and front-facing, responsible for the day to day engagement with all Professional Health Care Groups. Ensuring key processes and procedures are in place to ensure the right quality, price, source, quantity and timing are achieved.
There are Purchasing Teams located within each Health Board and Trust. They are responsible for receiving requisitions and the placing of orders from predominantly Revenue and Endowment (and limited Capital) funding sources, for goods and services, that are not contained within their individual catalogues.
A key role of the Purchasing Teams are to reduce the number of non-catalogue requests being processed, by proactive demand management which involves analysing historical and future demand through to influencing cost and reducing expenditure for their customers. Purchasing Teams engage daily with their customers and end users to ensure that goods and services are delivered in accordance to expectations and requirements, and deal with any issues that emerge.
Frontline Procurement Teams
Swansea Bay University Health Board
Aneurin Bevan
Betsi Cadwaladr/WAST/Powys
Cardiff and Vale
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Hywel Dda
Velindre/Public Health Wales/Welsh Blood Service/HEIW