The Inquest Team sits within the Complex Patient Team at NWSSP Legal & Risk Services. The team comprises of: Gavin Knox, Team Leader, Senior Solicitors: Kamila Kubryn, Patricia Gaskell and Kathy Dwyer and Solicitor Ceri Burke. The team is assisted by an invaluable team of paralegals Yasmin Kerton, Rebecca Czerniak, Samantha Bergin and Molly Nicholls as well as secretary, Heidi Desscan.
The team are looking to add further people to team this year so watch this space for news on future vacancies we will be advertising for.
The Inquest Team is the leading provider of advice and support to all Health Boards and Trusts in Wales. The team advises on the most lengthy, complex, high-profile Inquests in Wales.
Our areas of expertise include:
Advising on Coroners' requests for disclosure of documentary evidence, Witness Summonses and attending the Pre-Inquest Review.
supporting our clients and their employees through the Inquest process.
advising on inquests involving Police / Health and Safety Executive (HSE) / Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) investigations following a death and a Coroner's investigation.
advising on patient safety and Duty of Candour.
reviewing internal investigations and advising on recommendations and action plans.
obtaining external investigations and instruction of experts.
Working with clinical negligence teams in appropriate cases to ensure a joined up approach to litigated claims and complaints.
supporting witnesses in preparation for Inquests
The Human Tissue Act 2005 and post-mortem examinations.
advocacy at Coroners' Inquests, including Article 2 and Jury Inquests, often when other Interested Persons are represented by Counsel.
Advising on complex Article 2 Inquests, including allegations of gross negligence, manslaughter and neglect.
drafting lesson learning statements, advising on responses to a report issued by a Coroner.
training in all aspects of coronial law, including corporate manslaughter and practical tips on writing statements for the Coroner and giving evidence in Court.
judicial review of Coroners' decisions.
dealing with the media, including drafting press communications.
The team also advise and contribute to the Inquests Safety and Learning Network meetings in Wales.
With such broad experience and knowledge, the Inquest Team can provide expert advice on all matters relating to Inquests. If you have a query, please contact the team inbox