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Agenda for Change 2018 Pay Deal – Payroll Enquiries

men shaking hands
The Welsh Government has agreed a new three year pay deal, for those employees covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) contracts. At this time there has been no announcement relating to the 2018/2019 pay deal for those employees covered by Medical and Dental terms and conditions of service.


The Payroll Teams are prioritising the work required to implement the AfC deal in a restricted period and therefore access to the Payroll Services during the period 8th – 15th October 2018 will be limited.
Payroll will not be able to respond to any preliminary Pay Deal queries. A number of resources are available to assist Employees to review their own personal journey in respect of the Pay Deal. This includes the Pay Journey Tool and FAQ’s listed below.
Employees are respectfully requested to only raise an enquiry (after October 2018 pay) where it is believed their salary to be incorrect. During this busy period, the Payroll Team will respond to enquiries within 5 working days.

Will increases to 2018/2019 pay be retrospectively applied?

Yes, pay will be backdated to 1st April 2018.

When will the Pay Deal pay rates be applied to my pay?

Employees employed on AfC contracts will receive a pay rise with uplifts to their salary being paid in their October 2018 pay and backdated pay from the 1st April 2018 will be applied to November 2018 pay.

Where do I find my increment/Pay Step date?

Your increment date is available on your payslip. Please access ESR Self Service to view your previous payslips. 

I would like to use the Pay Journey tool but how do I know which spine point I am on?

Check your current payslip for your current salary (part time employees will need to look at full time salary). You can then click here to use the Pay Circular to find your banding and subsequent spine point. This information can then be used for Pay Journey Tool to identify your individual pay journey.

Further Information and External Links

Each Health Board and Trust has prepared information to assist employees to understand how the new pay deal with impact on their salary. For more detailed information and resources regarding the impact of the Pay Deal visit your local organisational intranet pages.
If you have any other general enquiries relating to the Pay Deal which cannot be answered by the Pay Journey Tool or other resources, please contact your local Workforce and OD team.

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