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Primary Care Wales Incident Reporting

Primary Care Contractors in NHS Wales are required to report incidents that have occurred within their organisations. 

From the 1st April 2023, as part of the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020, Primary Care Contractors are also required to capture and report on occasions where the Duty of Candour is triggered.  Primary Care Contractors must notify the relevant Health Board of occurrences where the Duty of Candour is triggered in respect of the health care they provide under a contract or other arrangement.

To support Primary Care contractors to comply with their duty to report, the links provided on this site direct you to the appropriate Datix Cymru systems.

The Primary Care Wales National Incident Reporting tool uses the Datix Cymru platforms operated by health bodies in NHS Wales and is a secure, cloud-based, interactive system which enables Primary Care providers to make the necessary reports and, where accessing the system via an approved login, see updates on cases. The Datix Cymru system is used by NHS Staff to report occurrences where the duty of candour has been triggered within a primary care provider and to notify patient safety concerns to the relevant Health Body.

This approach has been agreed by the Once for Wales Concerns Management System Programme Board, Welsh Government, and stakeholder organisations. Data provided into the system will be used by health bodies in their role as health organisations and, where appropriate, their commissioning duties. Staff within the health bodies will establish if any reported incident meets the threshold for national reporting and will advise the NHS Wales Delivery Unit through the standard reporting process in keeping with national policy.


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