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A values and standards of behaviour framework, together with model standing orders and standing financial instructions, form the key elements of the governance and accountability framework for the NHS in Wales. 

NHS Wales is a vital part of the public service in Wales. Working together with its key partners, including local government and the Third Sector, public service values and associated behaviours are and must be at its heart. NHS organisations must be value driven, rooted in high standards of public life and behaviour.

The core values that underpin the NHS in Wales are:

  • Putting quality and safety above all else: providing high value evidence based care for our patients at all times 
  • Integrating improvement into everyday working and eliminating harm, variation and waste 
  • Focusing on prevention, health improvement and inequality as key to sustainable development, wellness and wellbeing for future generations of the people of Wales 
  • Working in true partnerships with partners and organisations and with our staff 
  • Investing in our staff through training and development, enabling them to influence decisions and providing them with the tools, systems and environment to work safely and effectively 

These core values support good governance and help ensure the achievement of the highest possible standards in all that the NHS in Wales does.

All individuals operating within the NHS in Wales are expected to carry out their roles with dedication and a commitment to the NHS and its core values. To ensure that they do so, there are Codes of Conduct for Board Members and NHS Managers which incorporate the Seven Principles of Public Life "the Nolan Principles". In addition, there are policies on specific areas, in including whistleblowing and compromise agreements described within Openness and Business Conduct.