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Social Media

The use of social media is integral to our communications and the NHS Wales Anti Violence Collaborative has 2 social media channels at present- Twitter and YouTube.

Please feel free to follow us and download our videos to help spread our messages to your staff, patients and visitors.


Twitter Twitter

Our Twitter account helps us to share our updates, the work we do with our partners as well providing the platform for us to share our key messages.

Our Twitter handle is: @NHSAntiViolence

Our hashtag is: #EmpowermentThroughPrevention


Below is a list of suggested tweets that you could use to tweet on your Twitter platform.

The @NHSAntiViolence has been established and aims to work in partnership with #NHSWales, Unions, all Welsh Police Forces and CPS colleagues.

Find out more here:

The @NHSAntiViolence ‘Obligatory responses to violence in healthcare’ agreement aims to improve reporting, strengthen investigation & prosecution and improve victim and witness care & confidence.

Read it here:



We host our videos via YouTube so that our audiences can see our launch video, executive support and the latest work that we produce to help inform our stakeholders.

The URL for our videos are as follows:

The videos can also be viewed and downloaded via our web pages here.