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All Wales Programmes

Anti-Violence Collaborative Wales

It is recognised that NHS staff (Hospital, Ambulance, Community and Primary Care) are among those most likely to face violence and abuse during the course of their employment.

Duty of Candour - Information for Staff

The Duty of Candour is a legal requirement for NHS Organisations in Wales to be open and honest with service users receiving care and treatment. This is outlined in the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020.

Primary Care Wales Incident Reporting
Governance e-Manual

The manual provides advice and guidance on all aspects of governance in the NHS in Wales.

All Wales Laundry Service Icon
All Wales Laundry Service Review

The objective of the project was to review the existing laundry production units in NHS Wales against industry best practice guidance.

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Once for Wales Concerns Management System

The Once for Wales Concerns Management System is a new approach to how NHS
health boards and trusts in Wales report, record, monitoring, track, learn and make

Planning Programme For Wales Icon
Planning Programme for Learning

This academy provides opportunities to secure both a professional qualification in healthcare planning as well as more traditional learning events.

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PROMPT (PRactical Obstetric Multi-professional Training) is an evidence based multi-professional training package for obstetric emergencies.

Transforming Access to Medicines

Transforming Access to Medicines (TRAMS) is an NHS Wales programme to set up a shared Pharmacy Technical Service for Wales.


CIVA@IP5 is a medicines preparation service operating from our national distribution warehouse.


In June 2021 the Minister for Health and Social Services approved a full business case and associated investment as the first steps to embedding Scan for Safety principles and practices across Wales. With patient safety at the heart of the programme, data standards and data capture technology are being introduced across NHS Wales.