From NOVEMBER 1ST 2024 we will be making a significant change to the forms used to report child, adult and professional safeguarding concerns to local authority partners.
The All-Wales NHS Wales Safeguarding Report Form must be completed and sent from within Datix Cymru. All Health bodies will adapt this new process with the exception of the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST), who have already introduced a unified electronic system.
The aim of this change is to ensure that we have a Once for Wales approach to recording and reporting safeguarding concerns. The new process will also provide earlier visibility of safeguarding concerns for leads within organisations.
This new process enables organisations to develop a consistent understanding, improved quality assurance and monitoring of safeguarding activity in NHS Wales.
An ability to search, create safeguarding dashboards, analyse trends, performance and outcomes.
Current safeguarding referral forms will no longer be used from the 1st November 2024.
A training video and information guide can be access here:
Submitting a Safeguarding Report
OfW Safeguarding Reporting User Guide (PDF, 553KB)
The Once for Wales Concerns Management Central Team are based in NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) and host this website. If you have any queries regarding the reporting process or any technical issues, please contact: – this inbox is monitored Monday to Friday 0900-1700.
Additional Guidance, training and support from your safeguarding team and Datix leads will be available within your organistion.
When you submit a safeguarding referral via the Datix Cymru, the Local Authority will receive a copy of the information by the next working day. For very urgent matters where a user needs to extract and send the information to the Local Authority directly, it is possible to do this. A training video has been produced to guide users in these circumstances.
Merging a Safeguarding Report to send to Local Authority
We would be pleased to receive any feedback on the reporting process to inform improvements. Please email the Once for Wales Concerns Management Central Team: